JLJ Mission
The Just Like Jack community enables children with disabilities and their families to experience adventures and get the most out of life.
About JLJ
After such amazing experiences, Jack and the Duffy family decided it was time for other kids to experience similar adventures, so Just Like Jack was formed. Jack wants to raise awareness for the disabled community and promote inclusiveness. If coming across Jack means that one other person with disabilities gets a hello from a stranger, some extra help, attention or a new positive experience/adventure then we have all succeeded.
Help Jack help others:
Just Like Jack rely completely on donations and sponsorship to provide new adventures for amazing children. If you want to help Jack break down barriers and raise awareness for others like him please share his story, join him on one of his adventures, donate or sponsor.
JLJ Committee
Our completely volunteer committee is a fantastic group of people who are always drawn back to our Mission Statement:
The Just Like Jack community enables children with disabilities and their families to experience adventures that they would not normally be able to access in order to get the most out of life.
Mark Gleeson
Chris Duffy – Community Engagement & Public Officer
Vic Magnotta – Treasurer
Erin Duffy – Secretary
Andrew Cowley – Marketing & Events
Annie Duffy – Administration Support
Amanda Slater – Special Projects and Grant Applications
Lindy Conway